How this all happened
You probably know the feeling. It’s like a calling. Being near the water somehow makes everything better. Calmer. Happier. More fun. Our family certainly wasn’t unique in feeling drawn to the water. But while summer vacations sent most of our Maryland neighbors across the Chesapeake Bay Bridge to the marshy Eastern Shore and the mid-Atlantic beaches, we headed three hours west instead, to the shimmering waters of Deep Creek Lake for a quieter, simpler kind of getaway. It didn’t take long for this tradition to become a passion. Lake life got into our blood, and we escaped to Deep Creek and explored other lakes across the country every chance we got.
Things changed during the COVID pandemic. Working remotely enabled us to spend more and more time at the lake, and it became not just our refuge, but also the literal center of our lives. Our connection to the land and the water deepened. The days seemed to move more slowly there, and we began to feel a part of the rhythm of the nature all around us. So when restrictions eased and lockdowns ended, the return to “normal” left us feeling a sense of loss. Fishing, morning meditations on the dock, and long hikes with the dogs went from being simple pleasures of daily life to planned events on the calendar again. And frankly, it wasn’t enough. The lake had taught us what was really important. So, over many campfires and zoom calls, we vowed to find a way to keep the essence of lake living in our everyday world, no matter where real life would take us.
Fast forward several months, and a family plan spawned a bigger idea. Lake&Lure is now a family business, but it is also the culmination of our longstanding, collective dream to work together, to connect us across the miles, and to apply our various talents toward something that matters. Preserving the feeling of lake living is an obvious tenet of our brand, but behind the scenes, being gentle with the earth in all facets of the business was a non-negotiable part of the process. We invite you to read more about our commitment to the environment on our giving back page. But now, here’s a snapshot of who we are…
Meet the Pitzers
Led by father and son duo Duffey and Kyle Pitzer, Lake&Lure is a daily business in every sense of the word.

Duffey Pitzer
YouTube Addict. Crazy Dog Dad. Corporate Refugee.
That “Refugee” Part:
“I realized quickly that school wasn’t for me, so I started my first business at 18. I owned Eastern Golf Cars for 14 years before selling my company and going to work with Red Hawk, a large aftermarket parts supplier. That was an amazing gig for 15 years, but when the company was sold, it transitioned into a large corporate company. Corporate is not for me.”
What Makes Him Tick:
“I guess you could say that I’m a habitual creator, always working with my hands, or designing or tinkering on something. If it’s something with a motor, even better. I’m a big car guy — I’ve bought, owned and sold over 50 cars and trucks to date. I’m also an avid fisherman – my wife Angela and I will fish to unwind after work, and since Kyle lives in Texas, he and I make a point to meet up in different places to go fishing. We have fished in a dozen different states and counting. And oh, the stories…”
The Big 5-0:
“I recently turned 50 — a YOUNG 50. The occasion was marked with a memorable trip to Sturgis with my BFF, my wife Angela. We are parents of three, and we split our time between a house in the Maryland countryside outside of Baltimore (until our youngest graduates from high school in two years) and our other home at Deep Creek Lake in Western Maryland. I’m not crazy about the term ‘happy place,’ but that’s exactly what it is.”
Bucket List:
African safari, seeing the pyramids, fishing in South America
Duffey, in Kyle’s words:
“Dad has inspired me in more ways than he probably realizes. Growing up, he owned a golf car company and as we traveled the tristate area together, I watched how he chased his dreams. That directly influenced the course of my life and career. And no matter how busy we’ve always been, Dad and I always prioritize fishing and going to the water. He taught me to make time for the important things.”

Kyle Pitzer
World Traveler. Fishing Fanatic. Air Force Spouse.
“One Adventure at a Time”:
“As a kid, I spent my time at the baseball fields, my dad’s business, or fishing. Entertaining myself, my sister, and my cousins on our 5-acre farm in Harford County, Maryland made all of us reliant on the outdoors as we lived one adventure at a time. When I was 12, I went on my first hunting trip to Deep Creek Lake with Dad and his buddies. I instantly fell in love with the area and how beautiful it was. That’s when I realized that being outdoors, fishing, and spending time at the lake was important to me.”
Opposites Attract:
“I was an Air Force logistician from 2011 to 2019. I met my wife, also an Air Force logistician, in San Antonio. When she and I met, we couldn’t have been more different. She’s from south Texas, loves country music and had just sold her truck. I was from Baltimore, loved hip hop music and drove a two-door convertible sports car. The one thing we did have in common was our love for the outdoors. We spent many days at Canyon Lake, Texas (my home lake now) while we were dating.”
Across the Pond and Back Again:
“We lived in England from 2013 – 2017, where our daughter Olivia was born. Our jobs as logisticians allowed us to traverse Europe and visit over 20 countries. In 2017 we moved to Las Vegas and added our son Taylor to the family. Moving to the desert southwest reignited my love for the outdoors as an injury slowed my career to a halt. I didn’t really want to leave the Air Force but I really couldn't stay, either. The one thing that helped clear my mind was fishing. I probably logged over 700 hours fishing Lake Mead every year. Something about being on the water and chasing down a fish helped put things in perspective.”
Like Father, Like Son:
"I’ve since worked for startups and didn’t enjoy it. We’re not corporate people. We’re everyday people. We prefer fishing shirts over button-downs and board shorts over slacks. I now fish around 1,000 hours a year and share this passion with my wife and kids. Our one-year old mini Aussie, Stella, is my best fishing buddy and loves our bass boat more than I do.”
The Future:
We’re not sure what’s next. But I do know I want to work to make the earth a little bit better. I want people to be encouraged to spend more time at the lake and less time on their phone. I want the new generation of children to have the same opportunity to enjoy all the waterways that I’ve been blessed to visit. I’d love to work with my family and build something that provides positivity to people.”
In Duffey’s words:
“Kyle is our operations virtuoso. He likes to keep things moving along. He motivates by being willing to get in neck-deep with everyone else. He also prefers to guide and manage with humor versus carrying a big stick. If I weren’t Kyle’s dad, I’d still think he’s one of the coolest people I know. He’s intelligent, fun, and so capable. I’ve wanted to work with Kyle forever. Lake&Lure is a dream come true for us.”

Giving back
Learn about how we are helping mother nature and taking conservation seriously.
Like what you see? Follow us anytime @lakeandlureco